Double Your Shopify Store Sales Without Increasing Traffic

Do you own a Shopify store and struggle to leverage your email marketing effectively?

Are you using Klaviyo but feel like you're not getting the results you deserve?
You're not alone.

Many Shopify store owners face these challenges, but the good news is:
the solution is simpler than you think!

What I Offer

Alexandra Palau Email Marketing Klaviyo Expert Consultant

✓ Klaviyo Flows

✓ Klaviyo Campaigns

✓ SMS Campaigns

✓ Email Strategy

✓ Custom Email Templates

✓ Email List Cleaning

✓ Loyalty & Referral Programs

✓ Email Deliverability

Case Study: Drills & Cutters’ Welcome Flow


Over three years of partnership with revealed a missing key to customer engagement: a welcome flow. Initially met with skepticism by the owner, a proposal to test its effectiveness led to a trial run, promising easy reversal if expectations weren't met.


The development of a two-part welcome series marked our strategy's onset. It introduced the brand and its unique selling points, coupled with an enticing discount. A follow-up email highlighted top products, customer praise, and the distinct advantages of choosing Drills and Cutters.

Execution through Klaviyo involved crafting tailored strategy, copy, design, and comprehensive oversight post-launch, including a 30-day optimization period to refine and enhance the flow's performance.

Over $7,000

generated in 30 days


Our final report showcased the welcome series' exceptional performance for Drills and Cutters, generating over $7,000 in revenue. This achievement translated into an impressive return on investment (ROI) of 16.63x the initial investment, highlighting the strategic value and financial impact of the custom welcome flow.

Client Love

Juan, CEO of Prop Movie Money

Approved! I've spent all week going over the designs in my head since I saw them Monday morning to see if I had any edits. We are good to go, these are awesome. They look phenomenal. Thank you so much.

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